About us

Who we are

A New Organic Planet (NOP) tem sede no Funchal e uma filial em Coimbra.  Iniciou a sua atividade em 2016 com o propósito de desenvolver projetos conexos ao setor agroalimentar, bem como promover a I&D +i no âmbito da Agricultura Biológica e Indústria Agroalimentar.

We are a company with ideas to undertake together, with the support of people and institutions. Our goal is to increase scientific production and promote research practices in the sense of developing new products and new businesses, in the sectors of Agriculture, Industry and Research.

In this context, we promote collaborative structures in order to foster entrepreneurship, creating opportunities for cooperation between the business and institutional fabric in terms of organic production and transformation.


Our mission is to be the preferred partner in creating value for companies in the agricultural, agro-industrial and agroforestry sectors.  


Against a backdrop of worldwide demographic growth, changes in consumption patterns, accelerated technological development and climate change with environmental impacts, the sectors of agricultural and forestry production, agroindustrial and food processing are of strategic importance at a global level, creating unique opportunities for all agents in these sectors.

Through a competent, innovative and entrepreneurial technical team, we aim to share opportunities together with promoters, partners and investors, in a fair and sustainable way.

PROGRAMAS NOP Aceleração de Start-ups

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IncuBio is a NOP program where projects that are in embryonic stages are developed.
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BioDeveloper is a NOP program dedicated to R&D that, through partnerships with public and private institutions, develops joint projects.
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BioFunding is a NOP program where the process of financing projects that are in more advanced stages is concentrated.
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People involved
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Amounts Invested
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